
Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 7:49 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

Just a quick update to give you a small peek into what we have coming up.

First some staffing notes:

DJ Azuca is bringing the R.A.W back. As some of you know Azuca has had to take a little break from his regular show while he dealt with a few pitfalls in real life. However he's back now and ready to go starting this coming Wednesday at 11 am EST. Be sure to tune in!

DJ Krayl has settled into Tuesday nights with Digital Obsessions at 9pm EST!

DJ Medrina should be starting her regular show, Play Anything, on Monday nights, Coming Soon!

Of course we always have some Events in the works:

Two awesomely helpful groups are celebrating their joint Anniversary on January 16. Please join us in congratulating TSWDB and The Sanctuary at Ealdwic park at 2:00 pm. DJ Nicksa will be spinning the tunes.

Next up is Ashval's Annual Metal Marathon. Ash will get things started at 1 pm EST on January 18. He'll be using the Albion Theater as his stage for looking back on the year in metal.

Coming in February AO will be taking center stage.

One of our favorite Orgs, B.E.E.R is celebrating their 10th anniversary February 13. The following day AO will be celebrating Valentines Day. I'll be sure to post more about both of these events in future post.

In the meanwhile you can always look for more details about these and all of our events on our calendar page:


And...there may be some changes in the future as well. Xtrophic has been hard at work on our new website. I don't have a date for it yet but please keep checking back for more info.

But that's not all that is changing...although...I can't say much about that part just yet.

That's all for now. Thanks for listening!!

The festivities start on December 13 in Anarchy Online. Several of your favorite DJ's will be rocking around the Christmas Tree at The Grind Nightclub starting at 2:00 pm Eastern and lasting for 6 hours. ARK will also be there and you can bet there will be prizes and contests to keep your stockings stuffed this year!

The following weekend TSW gets into the act. We don't have our plan set in stone yet, but we promise you a party on Decmeber 20 and 21.

On Christmas Day, DJ Oubliette has you covered with "A Very Oubliette Christmas." That's right Permanent Midnight and Christmas combine this year for what I'm sure will be a holiday celebration with just the right amount of a creepy edge to it. She'll be kicking off the party at 6 pm eastern with plans on carrying things through until midnight eastern.

The closing of the year will be coming up shortly thereafter and we always try to bring you some liveness to help you rock in the New Year. This year will be no different. Stay tuned for details!

We have other reasons to celebrate as well. We welcomed our newest DJ, Medrina, to our ranks this earlier month. She's already starting jumping her hoops and you can rest assured she'll be hitting the airwaves before too long!

As we head into the New Year it will be about that time when DJ Ashval counts down his top metal albums from the previous year (although I wouldn't expect he's going to be doing a marathon like last year, haha).

I think that's all I can tease you about for now.

As always, thanks for listening!

Life has a way of throwing us the unexpected at times, and that applies to our DJ staff as well. As most of you know, DJ Dynamiks has been on hiatus due to health reasons for some time. He will be stepping away from DJ'ing to focus on getting better, and we wish him nothing but the best. Dyna has been a huge presence in GSP for many years, and he was a driving force in helping this station take root in The Secret World. We offer up a heartfelt thank you for all of his hard work and creativity. Get well soon mate!

On a happier note, we are proud to announce that we have added two new members to GSP to help out specifically in Anarchy Online. Please help us welcome Juud (AKA Ipewpew) as our new Community Relations Lead in AO. He'll be coming up with creative ideas to further engage the community in AO. Also, we're extremely pleased to announce the hiring of DJ Krayl (AKA Mashershade) to our staff. He'll be jumping through his applicant hoops and hitting the stream very soon!

Fall is always an extremely busy time of the year at GSP. We somehow survived the awesomeness that was Halloween in both communities, and we still have plenty of kickass events to come. Don't forget to join DJ Trevalin and DJ Nicksa for Dance Like Robots: The Remix! on Saturday, Nov. 15th starting at 5pm EST on the Arcadia dimension in TSW. Continuing the roleplay fun in TSW, we'll also bring you the Saints & Sinners' One Year Anniversary celebration with DJ Trevalin on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd at 8pm EST.

There's plenty of fun in Anarchy Online as well, as we're really excited to announce an Interview With Funcom on Friday, Nov. 21st at 2pm EST. Join DJ Joanwilder with Funcom Community Managers Sezmra and Tomium for the latest Funcom news! Also, don't miss Omni-Pol's Monthly Org Party on Saturday, Nov. 29th at 4pm EST with DJ Gemmikins. And finally, we're happy to bring you Dr. Lucy Barchus & Major Joe Blackwolf's Wedding with DJ Joanwilder on Saturday, Dec. 6th at 3pm EST.

We hope you all enjoyed the Halloween fun, and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming weekly shows and events! As always, thanks for listening! <3

- Ashval

We've had some last minute changes to our Halloween schedule that we need to tell you about. I ninja changed the previous article's information, but it's easiest just to give you guys the updated schedule right here!

Friday (RP in TSW at the Black House in the Savage Coast)...

5pm - 10pm Eastern: Oubs
10pm - 1am Eastern: Nicksa

Saturday (in AO at the ICC Assembly Hall with ARK)

Noon - 3pm Eastern: Dharzee
3pm - 6pm Eastern: Gemmikins
6pm - 9pm Eastern: Shigy
9pm - 12am Eastern: Joanie

Sunday (OOC in TSW at Ealdwic Park)

Noon - 3pm Eastern: Ashval
3pm - 6pm Eastern: Azuca

Also, that request service we teased you about? It's LIVE and ready to rock! If the DJ says they're taking requests, just visit player.gridstream.org and select the request page. Feel free to bookmark that going forward. The best thing about it? It even works on phones or from the in-game TSW browser!


See you all over the Halloween weekend!

- Ash

Current & Upcoming Events

Shigy's Odd End
 DJ Shigy
 In 3d 14h 10m @ 10:00 AM, March 7 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.