Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 1:47 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)
So we've skipped from Summer to Winter in one fell swoop.
We have celebrated so many items the last 4 months from;
GSP/Funcom's Anniversaries, birthday parties, Halloween parties for both listeners and GSP/ARK along with Ding 220 Events.
As we round out the year we have more parties from Unity of the Roses' 21st Anniversary party to AO Christmas parties to New Year and maybe some more birthday/Ding 220 parties! So come join as we celebrate and close out 2022 in style.
Unity of the Roses' 21st Anniversary Party is the 4th December at 4pm Eastern/9pm UTC down on Reets Retreat Glass dancefloor and we will be partying for 2 hours so come celebrate with them then!
Anarchy Online's ARK and GridStream Productions will be the 18th December at 2pm Eastern/7pm UTC location is TBD at this time, come for the music and prizes and fun as we celebrate the pre-Christmas atmosphere!
GSP will likely have their own event so stick around for that memo and Gemmikins is planning to spread a little extra love so stay tuned for those items soon!
As always we hope you have a lovely start to the holiday season if you celebrated it and hope you remain safe this tail end of the year before ringing in 2023! Thank you for being part of our community and we love you all!
Happy Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas/Happy New Year - Gemmikins <3!