
Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 7:37 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

Greetings listeners!

So, remember that upgrade to 96kb/MP3 we tried? Yeah...that didn't work out so well. It turns out that AAC+ kicks the heck out of MP3 for audio quality. And, we like to sound good. So, the good news is that our stream upgrade to 96kb AAC+ has us sounding as good as ever. The bad news? That means the webplayer still won't play nice with some browsers (hi Firefox!). Hopefully that is something that developers will eventually figure out. Until then, there's always our super easy GridStream Player to use. :)

Continuing with the theme of "more is better" we have some news on the station management front. Frankly, it's become too much for any one person to handle this much awesome....I mean, uh...work! So, GSP is moving to a new business model consisting of a team of Station Managers.

This six-pack of superstars consists of...


As the station owner, I'm extremely excited about handing the keys to this fantastic group of people. If you have a question about anything GSP-related, just reach out to any of our station managers and they can help you out.

You can expect to see some pretty amazing things in the near future as we continue to strive to be as kickass a station as possible for the communities of AO and TSW.

As always, thanks for your support! :)


Hello listeners!

We just wanted to give you a heads up that we made a minor change under the hood this morning to upgrade our stream bitrate and switch from AAC+ to MP3 format. What does this mean to you? Probably not much...unless you were tuned in when I made the switch. In that case, your player may have freaked out until you restarted it. ;)

This change will provide a slight improvement in our audio quality while also allowing our new webplayer on player.gridstream.org to play nicer with most web browsers.

Please let us know if you have any issues! This is just round one of some changes on the horizon as we always look for ways to seem cooler than we actually are. :)

- Ashval

So here at GridStream Productions we are still in party mode, winding down from the 14th Anniversary celebrations in Anarchy Online we are now pushing forward to The Secret World's 3rd birthday!

Our own DJ's Dharzee and Gemmikins will be starting off the festivities on Friday at 6pm Eastern/10pm UTC down in the Beer Garden behind the Horned God, join them for some OOC crazyness and some awesome tunes, followed on Saturday by a fourth of July IC special in Brooklyn Park NY hosted by Nicksa, Trevalin and Daydreaming.

If that wasn't enough excitement this weekend and going for 2 weeks TSW is offering some splendid bonuses to the game throughout the Anniversary Celebrations, including double AP, +50% to AEGIS Research and some big recruiting bonuses - more details at:

If TSW is not your thing then Anarchy Online has also given us something to celebrate, they have released the option to test out the new engine with the latest 18.8 patch, hopefully we'll be out of open beta soon enough!

And if that wasn't enough cause to party Gridfan has also been hard at working in tweaking the player.gridstream.org page too, it now has the addition of a Twitter widget along with the ability to stream GSP into your ears right from the browser. The browser player isn't supported by all browsers just yet but we are hoping that will change in the future. Your feedback is always encouraged too so if something is bugged and not working as expected please let us know within our Tech Support forum!

Speaking of changes, DJ Medrina made some this week in regards to her show time. She will now be hosting Play Anything Thursday nights at 10pm Eastern! We hope you will all enjoy her special brand of goodness as your week winds down.

Lastly we are still on the hunt for someone to join us as a CR person for our Anarchy Online crew, we're looking for someone who is present within the Anarchy Online community, versed with the social media stylings of life and wishing to work alongside with Funcom in bringing news/events and contests to our AO community! For more details feel free to speak to Vallikat or Kriegshammer about the position.

And finally, I wish all our listeners a fabulous 4th of July weekend for those celebrating, keep safe and enjoy the fireworks!

GSP is turning 13! Yes that's right we're finally teenagers! Can you even believe it? I feel so old...or wait, 13 is actually young. Hmm... I feel so young!! There, that's better! What's better than feeling young? Having a party! And what's better than having a party? Having 3 parties!!

We get things started on May 16 at noon eastern in The Secret World with Trevalin followed by Drina and then Nicksa. They're going to keep you rocking for 6 hours.

The party doesn't end there though. We hop the party over to Anarchy Online at 6:00 pm eastern where Gemmi and Joan take over for another epic 6 hours.

But that's not enough for us, we needed one more party. On May 17 at 1:00 pm eastern, we take it back to The Secret World with Ash, Sunserro, and Dharzee. They have another 6 hours of awesome celebration on tap.

All of these parties will be filled with contests and prizes for all of you!

But those are not the only parties or even birthday celebrations we have in store this month. In fact May 28th brings two parties. Jinji is really only 29 and a half and would like to celebrate that fact. The party will start at 7 pm eastern from the Crusades in The Secret World with Dharzee.

Later at 9, DJ Trevalin will be helping his fiance, our very own Lia (Iolanthe) celebrate her birthday! Those two are too cute for words!!

In case you missed it, we have a new DJ flying through her applicant hoops. Daydreaming did her first monitored show earlier today and by all reports she did a fabulous job. I can't wait to let her fly solo!

I also have a couple quick game updates:

As some of you know Anarchy Online has been going through some changes. We've been trying to do several of our AO shows from the newly remodeled ICC. We hope to see some of you there as you make your way about the world.

Also The Secret World, Issue 11 has recently been released. We know a lot of you guys are having a great time playing through the finale to season 1. We hope you're tuned in for "inspirational" music. :)

I'd like to end this news brief with a word of thanks. You guys are so amazing and we love you all so much. I have to tell you that it meant the world to us to see GSP Events and shows being mentioned in the "Event You Loved" round of the #IAMTSW Contest. We do what we do every day because we love doing it and we love you guys. But it's still nice to get some recognition for it. Thanks again from all of us here at Gridstream Productions.

And I guess that's about it (and to think I thought this was going to be brief).

As always, thanks for listening!

Current & Upcoming Events

Shigy's Odd End
 DJ Shigy
 In 3d 14h 22m @ 10:00 AM, March 7 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.