Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 7:45 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)
The leadership torch has only been held by a few in GridStream's history, and the time has come to pass the torch once again as DJ Kriegshammer will be handing over the AO directorship duties to DJ Shigy!
Ham has done a fantastic job during his tenure, which included leading the AO staff through the chaos of the station merger. Unfortunately, his RL situation has changed and his free time has become more limited. While we take a moment to salute Ham for his fantastic work as Director, we are also very grateful that he will be staying with us a kickass DJ and Board Member in AO.
With this change, we're extremely excited to give Shigy the opportunity to step up as Director in AO. He has been one of our most dedicated members for years, and he's a respected leader amongst our staff. Gemmikins will also received a much-deserved promotion to Assistant Director in AO as part of this change in leadership. The two of them have worked incredibly well together over the past several months to keep things running smoothly. Congrats to both on their new positions!
Apparently, this is also the time when the Aussies are taking over GSP as we're VERY proud to announce that DJ Dynamiks is returning to the GridStream! The Thundah from Down Undah will be bringing Club Troppo to both TSW and AO, but you'll have to keep an eye on the forums for the next show time! Welcome back Dyna!
What a month we've had, huh??!! After that bit of big news, let's recap what's been a busy time for GSP. We started in Anarchy Online with the Carnival of Madness, kept the party going in The Secret World with the Spooky Halloween event and carried it on for both games with Extra Life. So many credits and Funcom Points and clothing codes and even real life prizes were given away. When you're one of the people who had to keep track of all that, believe me it is enough to make your head spin. However, it was definitely worth the effort. We had a blast doing these events. We really can't thank you all enough for being so completely amazing. Our community keeps us doing what we do, so really, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!
The screenshot contest was a big hit and we want to send a huge thank you to Iolanthe for coordinating it all. Everyone submitted such fabulous screenshots that it was hard for us to decide. However, someone had to win and so in the end a big congratulations goes out to our winners: Kaitou, Terron, Dui and TheBlackHammer!
After all this excitement, you may be wondering what is next for Gridstream Productions. Well don't worry, we are not resting on our laurels. The holidays are coming and we're sure to have our usual array of holiday parties for both games. Details are coming soon!
Finally, don't forget that after the holidays are over our very own DJ Ashval will be attempting to best the GSP DJ marathon record of 51 hours. He'll be making his attempt from The Secret World's Crusades nightclub in London starting on January 17th and extending into the weekend. We hope all of you will come out and support him in his effort.
As always, thanks for listening!
No, I'm not rushing the season! I'm not talking about Christmas...yet. The most wonderful time of the year is surely Halloween on both Rubi-ka and in The Secret World!
The Celebrations start on October 26 at 11:00 am EDT as ARK, Funcom, and GSP bring you their annual Halloween Party live from The Grind.
The Party then moves to The West Athens Patio at 5:00 pm EDT as Valheru Ascendants takes over as our party hosts For their Halloween Boo Bash!
At 11:00 pm EDT it's back to The Grind as we rejoin the ARK party until 1:00 am and if that wasn't enough, we'll be back at The Grind again on Sunday, October 27th from Noon until 6:00 pm EDT!
And that's just Anarchy Online... The fun continues in The Secret World.
We're getting started on October 31 at 5:00 pm EDT with... well you'll just have to tune in to find out who the surprise guest is kicking things off. Then at 8:00 pm EDT Ashval will be topping off the evening.
But that's still not all!
We're bringing back our surprise guest at 5:00 pm EDT on Friday as well, followed by the lovely DJ Cherri.
*Whew* That's a whole lot of Halloween Celebrating!
Now do you see why I call it the most wonderful time?
(and I haven't even mentioned the Uncle Pumpkinhead and Cat God events taking place in their respective game worlds).
Can't wait to see you all for tricks, treats, prizes, and surprises!!!
That's right we've added another DJ to our ranks. DJ Azuca has joined us in TSW. He still has his hoops to jump through (and me with my hands on a whip, how convenient!) But you short start to hear him on air in short order!
Congratulations, Azuca!!!
Oh and don't worry...Halloween is coming complete with tricks, treats, and surprises... more on that...soon!
He's been a DJ for GSP already - and now he's back!
Please say Hi and/or Welcome back to our DJ Beardedgoose who will be doing shows in AO (at least for a start). I've personally been enjoying some of his songs already during the soundcheck and I'm positive you'll find him to be quite an addition to our team!
So watch the forums for his first ninja show!
Glad to have you back, mate!
1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m
No data available.
Top played artists this monthNo data available.