
Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 7:40 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

We would like to thank you all for helping celebrate our anniversary of Gridstream Productions. I know it sounds cheesy but without all of you we wouldn't be here. We really appreciate everyone who came down to help us celebrate.

We have plenty coming up too. There is Pets on Parade in TSW (IC) later this month for all the pet lovers (No Gimps). There are also the AO and TSW anniversaries coming up. There is also the MMOATP on the last Sunday of every month on the AO test server. This weekend we have the Meet A Phoenix - PG Recruitment Event in TSW.

Funcom has graced TSW players with another issue packed with exciting new missions! If you buy the collector's edition, you get a snazzy new Sherlock outfit outfit and a pipe to smoke while you try and work out who murdered whom.

Joanwilder is currently on hiatus as she moves herself and her family across the country. We hope she'll be back with us soon but in the meantime keep a look out for ninjas from other DJs.

We could also use more DJs so if you have the itch go and see a doctor. If you have the itch to DJ come to some shows. Get to know the DJs and put in an application.


So we've sprung into Spring either eagerly awaiting the warmer weather or reluctantly due to losing sleep (if you adhere to that time change nonsense) or being in the southern hemisphere and about to brace into the colder abyss! Here at GSP we begin the onslaught of our events for the Spring/Summer of this year by starting off with a Cowboy Shindig starring DJ Joanwilder and our own ARK, the details haven't been quite confirmed just yet but that will be towards the middle of April in Anarchy Online so stay tuned for an update on that!

Over in The Secret World we have just had issue 14 release which sets to take everyone into warmer climates by placing us back in Egypt. From there there will be 6 new main missions along with a variety of side missions all set to uncover the secret of the Ancient Egyptian mystery. Along with this are tweaks to combat/general customisation of character builds and an array of balance changes. For more information go over to - https://forums.thesecretworld.com/showthread.php?96035-Issue-14-Call-of-the-Nameless-Game-Update-1-14

However we are always looking to host more events for our fabulous listeners, if you're in need of an event for your birthday/org or cabal anniversary/an RP event that's in need of some socialising and music then we are just an email away! Events are of no cost to you and you are welcome to request a DJ of your choosing as long as they are free to cover it at the time and date you want then there's nothing more to it, feel free to contact us for more information!

As well as this we offer promotions for these events, costs differ depending on the type of promo you request and you are always welcome to talk to Gemmikins or contact our Promotions team for more information. Promotions are great for your events as well as any recruiting you might be doing for your org/cabal or maybe you just want to promote a place or RP event you frequent and want to let everyone know just how amazing it is. GSP is here for all your promotional and socialising needs just drop us a line to let us know your interest.

Speaking of needs we are still seeking those interested in becoming a DJ and joining our awesome team. If you love socialising, have a passion for music or have a lot to discuss about the ingame happenings you are apart of then feel free to reach out to us either by contacting us via the recruitment email or by speaking to Kriegshammer/Vallikat on the forums.

Lastly Vallikat has put up an idea thread on the forums and our social media pages with the question of "If you could have any DJ return to GSP who would it be and why?" Now we're not promising anything here, I'm with many others on wanting certain DJs back but this is all hypothetically talking right now. For those who have already shared we are taking note of your responses and thank you for participating and encourage you to share the idea around with those you know in AO and TSW!

That's all from me and I hope you stay tuned for next month's update and as always keep the party rocking!

Here we are in March and at least where I live that means Spring is right around the corner.  So what's going on with Gridstream this Spring?

Well... perhaps it's time that we had a little chat.  See, what's going on is not a whole lot.  Now that we're done hibernating for the winter, we'd like to get out and about, do more things, DJ more events and parties, and see more scantily clad bodies (what?  I mean isn't that what happens in warmer weather???)

Anyway thing is we're a bit short on invitations at the moment.  So if you've got a party or event you need a DJ for we'd love to take care of that for you.  Just let us know.  Drop us a line on Twitter or Facebook or on our contacts page.  We'd love to hear from you!!

Oh and while we're at it, parties need promotions.  If you need a promo for your party or for that matter for your service or your podcast or your game mod, or for your cabal/org we'd be happy to help you out with that.  Just like with events, drop us a line and we'd be happy to work with you on your promo needs!

Not that we have nothing happening.  March also means St. Patrick's Day and you can expect St. Patrick's themed music cropping up at our shows during the week of the 17th.  

Additionally DJ Gemmikins has some plans up her sleeve.  It's not all set out yet, but she's got something in the works to fill the gap we have on Thursday nights and a new monthly show idea for the weekend.  Look for more information about those ideas coming up soon!

Anyway that's all my news for now.  We hope to hear from you guys soon!

As always, thanks for listening!

So have we all stopped crossing out the 5 and changing it to a 6 yet?
We've got a bit of news. We've got another Australian on staff. He has made it through all he's hoops and is now a full DJ. Welcome to DJ DaddyLes. For the moment you'll have to watch social media or the forums to catch when he is going live as he doesn't have a schedule yet. Currently he is doing TSW-OOC shows but this may expand to RP shows and shows in AO at some stage. We've got DJ West jumping through his hoops and bring some EDM, dance, etc. to TSW. Listen out for him. Lia has stepped up to the plate and been DJing like a champ taking over Eye of the Storm from Trevor.

In our existing shows there have been a couple of changes. The Grindhouse has got an hour longer so you can grind for longer. Blissful Elevations has gone off the schedule for a bit as Gemmikins is having real life business. Keep an eye out for Gemmi ninjas. For the time being Kriegshammer is focusing on TSW with The War-Forge.

Of course being February we've got a host of events coming up. We've got multiple Valentine's events on the weekend of the 14th. Check out the calendar to see exactly when they are for you.
On the subject of events if you want any events in either AO or TSW we are your people. Given enough lead time we can even make you audio advertisements and pretty posters thanks to the awesome artists we have on staff.

This is my first time writing ones of these as owner. Head to the comments to tell me all the grammar and spelling mistakes.

Current & Upcoming Events

Shigy's Odd End
 DJ Shigy
 In 3d 14h 19m @ 10:00 AM, March 7 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.