
Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 1:00 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

So we're pretty much out of August and most of the summer madness is over, things are going back to the usual school and work patterns and everyone is starting to countdown the madness that is Pumpkin Spice and Halloween!

In the last month we have added Faithy to our ranks, she has already started to get her requirements running and also has one live ninja under her belt so we know she's going to fly through to full membership in no time!

Thank you to the Red Brotherhood for having us host their 15th birthday party, we look forward to many more years and more parties with you guys, the crowd was huge and they gave out so many credits that day it was crazy!

We are still looking for more members to join our TSW/SWL staff as well as anyone else who feels comfortable DJing with our team, more faces are always great. If you're not sure of the requirements please don't hesitate to reach out to our DJs and ask, we are happy to help.

Lastly we are happy to host events and promos for you all, please feel free to start letting us know now if you're looking for something event wise especially for Halloween so we can get our coverage ready. We know there are recapture issues currently in the submissions so if you have any issues you can either PM Gemmikins on the forums or email her at intunewithgemmikins@gmail.com.

As always thank you for listening and we hope to see you at shows soon!

We’ve just had the AO Anniversary. It was a ton of fun. Shoutout to ARK for setting up the decorations and just generally being awesome.
We’ve got some new DJs at various stages. So hopefully you’ll hear some new voices on the stream in the coming month. If you want to apply yourself contact Vallikat either on the forums or on our Discord server.
We’ve had a minor change on our tune in page. This is probably not a noticeable change unless you watch your address bar closely but player.gridstream.org will still send you to the right place. Griddy continues to work on the player to improve it.


One day I'll keep better track of the month by month goings on *coughs* So hi lovely listeners, we're almost done with April and cruising into May and we have yet more events coming your way after the ones from last month!

Thank you to those who turned out to Ceraun and Kethend's Wedding congratulations from all of us here and we wish you so much love! Thank you also to those who turned out for Rubi-Ka day and helped the clean up actions!

May is going to bring you a few events too with Cinco De Mayo on the 5th as well as The Green Cloaks Party and of course GSP's anniversary on the 18th! As well as a possible Goth Day event on the 22nd! So exciting things to come so stick around and stay tuned for more details on those as the month goes on!

Lastly Gemmikins is finally back, about time slacker! She'll be live Saturdays 3pm to 6pm Eastern so yay more liveness! Thanks for listening and as always we love you all here at GSP!

So good news. We've switched stream servers again. What does that mean for you? I'm glad you asked. We now have multiple quality stream servers for you to choose from. A high quality one for when you want all that audio goodness. And a lower quality one for when your intertubes aren't as big as you'd like. Currently this can only be selected in the webplayer but will be coming to the desktop player shortly.
The bad news is that our website currently lies and says we are offline. This isn't the case but it might take a little while till we are able to fix it.

Current & Upcoming Events

Shigy's Odd End
 DJ Shigy
 In 3d 20h 59m @ 10:00 AM, March 7 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.