
Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 12:54 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

Hi all,

We're sorry for the lack of updates lately but things have been quiet and changing with the New Year. Hopefully your 2018 has been a good start so far. So far we have started off with new recurring events in the form of The Green Cloaks Party which is a bi-monthly get together after their meetings to come dance OOC and get to know what they will be up to in the RP community.

We also had a lovely event with ARK on Valentines weekend, thank you to DJ Joanwilder for taking the reigns on partying with them and bringing much love to the AO community.

DJ Gemmikins is still working on a spot in schedule for returning back to DJing regularly but she aims to get that solved as we progress into this year!

Other than that we are still looking for more DJs and welcome events and promos as well so please feel free to message us if you have any questions or information. And don't forget to use the Discord server if the message system happens to be having hamster issues!

Brrr, it's December and that means winter is coming for those in the North. It also means that we are about to celebrate a lot of festive events and enjoy good food and company, yay! We here at GSP hope you all have a wonderful holiday season regardless of what you celebrate and wish for you all to stay safe and loved this December period.

We have an ARK party coming for you all on the 16th and the MMOATP this month will be on the 17th so that you don't miss any good partying this holiday season! We are finishing ironing out who will be hosting these and hopefully you will hear some wonderful Christmas themed shows throughout the December period too.

We have a possible recurring RP party starting in the New Year and there will be a promo to come to help remind you of all the ins and outs of what this event will be like.

Other than that we wish you a wonderful Christmas and hope the New Year brings you all you wish for in the upcoming 2018! Stay safe and thank you for listening!

Like the Steve Miller Band sang
"Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future"
And we find ourselves in November. The time of year where extra beards seem to grow. We don't have any special events planned this month. But if you've got something you'd like to submit for an event it's not too late.
We may have a DJ returning this month.
Joanwilder is currently on an every second week basis for her shows due to the nasty IRL. I know she's planning a great set for her next show though.
I've been happy to see so many people jumping on our Discord server. It's added another way to interact with all you great people both when there is a show on and at other times as well.

The year seems to be flying by. Feels like it was January just the other day to me. But in this case I’m happy to see October roll around for Halloween.
There will no doubt be several Halloween themed shows during the month. Probably a few events on Gridstream.
Uncle Pumpkin Heads should be turning up on Rubi-Ka shortly. Jack will no doubt be loose in the Secret World.

In other news with the shutting down of the Funcom IRC server we have made a Gridstream Discord server. We’ve been using it behind the scenes but we have now opened up a public channel for anyone that wishes to join. Follow this link to join https://discord.gg/6F5gXsr
You can either get on through a browser of your choice or download the application on PC or smart device.


Current & Upcoming Events

Shigy's Odd End
 DJ Shigy
 In 3d 21h 5m @ 10:00 AM, March 7 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.