
Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 12:46 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

Well hi all! Apparently my whole "I need to post, it's now April" totally went out of the window, especially since well it's May!

So we've made it past Easter and well into Spring and well onto GSP's own anniversary!

That's right GSP is turning 17 this year and we are planning to celebrate on the 18th and 19th of this month. Gemmikins is also planning to bring you a contest, regardless of what game you play, if you listen to GSP you will want to stay tuned for details as we get closer to the 18th!

Along with that we also get closer to the AO and TSW/SWL anniversaries and celebrating their on going liveness and bringing us the pleasures they do for so many years! So stick around for some posts across the forums/social medias with party dates and any other plans we might have to bring you some goodies!

If your wanting to request events or promos in the mean time please feel free to contact Gemmikins at intunewithgemmikins@gmail.com along with any questions you may have. We are always looking for new staff for our team as well as welcome you to invite your friends to hang out and tune into us!

As always thank you for listening and being a part of the GSP community!

Well we took a break from updates over the holidays. We were all busy with life and rolling into 2019! I hope your year has started well and January hasn't gotten you down yet. We have some events in the works coming to you in the next month or so so stick around for those.

ARK are going to be hosting their Valentines Day event on February 16th. The party will be 2pm Eastern to 6pm so come down and join them and DJ Gemmikins on the streets of Borealis for the party goodness and some prizes!

As we roll into March the Crimson Assassins will be joining us for a Recruitment drive to help bolster their ranks. Feel free to come down, ask questions, join up with Crimson Assassins and overall party with GSP. The party will be on the Glass Dancefloor of Reets Retreat starting at 12pm Eastern and going for 3 hours on Saturday March 2nd.

The Green Cloaks are still having us host their events too. Come join them bi-monthly on the first Saturday of the month, the next session will be in the Fireplace of Reets Retreat the 2nd March after the Crimson Assassins' Event.

GSP are still looking for DJs aswell so if that is something you might be interested feel free to come down to our shows, speak to DJs and socalises with us so we get to know you. Then feel free to message Shigy or Gemmikins and we can assist you in getting your application process started!

Other than that be safe and thanks for listening!

So we've had Thanksgiving already this year and as always we are thankful for all our listeners and the support they give to us! We had a fantastic turn out at Halloween and it was great to see so many of you and entertain such a crowd with so many DJs and ARK being present too!

As a reminder if you want something hosting this Christmas period now is the time to put your requests in so our staff can accommodate your needs! Please send your emails to intunewithgemmikins@gmail.com for your events just incase the website is unable to process it for you!

The good thing is Gemmikins is back and happy to help this time too! Her show will be back to your ears 8th December while she finishes some last minute things before getting back into the swing of DJing. She'll also be hosting MMOATP Sunday 25th November too!

As always you are welcome to join us on the GSP discord and chat to us there, ask us about upcoming things, put in event/promo requests and just generally hang out with everyone. https://discordapp.com/invite/6F5gXsr

Thanks for listening and stay safe this holiday season!

Welcome to October where we have oodles in store this month. From shows coming back to Halloween events we have a bit of everything for everyone this month!

First off Gemmikins will be on a mini hiatus for the next like 6 weeks, she's on holiday and doing additional work RL side so she will not be on. *sad face* She aims to at least do one show while she is away though so stay tuned for that!

For shows returning DJ Oubliette is back with her Permanent Midnight! Expect ghoulish delights again with the Mistress of the dark over in SWL. Expect her in the Crusades every Monday from 7pm PST. Spooktacular!

Other events for October are starting to roll in too, we have the Hauntingly Good Halloween Boo Bash with Valheru Ascendants and the AO Alliance already lined up for 27th October from 5pm Eastern/10pm GMT. ARK have confirmed they will be joining us for the Hauntingly Good Halloween Boo Bash this year and doing their own contests and prize givings!

As a reminder the captcha is still broken so if you have issues submitting your events please email Gemmikins at intunewithgemmikins@gmail.com and she will be able to help! (I know she's on hiatus from shows but won't be for all GSP internal stuff)

Feel free to join us in the Discord chat too at https://discordapp.com/invite/6F5gXsr too! We often promote shows and generally banter and it's a good place to chat to your fellow GSP fans & DJs about any events, promo ideas or just ideas you might have for us in helping make things better for you!

Current & Upcoming Events

Shigy's Odd End
 DJ Shigy
 In 3d 21h 13m @ 10:00 AM, March 7 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.