Mon 3 March, 2025 @ 7:28 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)
First off, GSP would like to congratulate Funcom on raising over $5,821 for Extra Life 2012! The 24 hour event was a lot of fun for a great cause. Our big winner of the one year of free TSW game time was Bran from Arcadia. Congrats Bran!
The epic events don't stop here at GSP as we'll be celebrating Halloween October 26th-28th! We have a full lineup of DJ's set to provide musical tricks and treats. Also, there will be tons of contests and prizes throughout the weekend!
If you haven't checked it out yet, don't miss the new TSW themed community project over at Stands In Fire. Their episodes of "Factioned" are fantastic, and GSP-TSW appreciates the mention! :) You can check them out at -
Finally, GSP would like to give a warm welcome to our newest official DJ...Joaquin! He'll be entertaining you all on Wednesday nights from 8pm-10pm Eastern. We think you'll enjoy his eclectic taste in music!
Happy Halloween everyone! And, as always, thanks for listening!
Funcom and GSP will be teaming up for Extra Life 2012 on October 20th and 21st. It'll be 24 hours of gaming, music and fun for a great cause. Funcom has chosen to donate their money to the Vidant Children's Hospital, which specializes in children's care and rehabilation.
GSP will be live starting at 9AM PDT/12PM EDT and continue with 24 hours straight of live DJ's to support the players taking part in this great event. There will be tons of prizes and maybe even a surprise interview or two!
If you'd like more information on how to help children and be a part of Extra Life 2012, check out the following thread on the official TSW forums...
GridStream TSW is proud to announce that our Event Request tool via the website is now LIVE! To request an event, simply click on the Events tab and then "Schedule an event." Fill out the easy form, and you'll be on your way!
Also, you can poke around the website and see that many other features are now activated. You can use the Contact tab to reach various members of our staff for feedback. Our Links section has also been updated to include some of our partners, various community sites and other helpful sites we recommend. More updates will be coming soon!
As always, thanks for supporting GridStream Productions in The Secret World! We hope to see all of you at The Revolution event on Huldra on October 6th! :)
DJ Ashval
Director, GSP-TSW
While our next massive website update isn't quite ready for public consumption, there are some other big things on the horizon for GSP in The Secret World! We've recently added three new DJ's to our ranks, so please help make DJ's Nopheros, Dithyramb and Joaquin feel welcome! Nopheros and Dithyramb have experience on the AO side and are already in our show rotation, while Joaquin is a newbie who will be cutting his teeth on the stream soon. GSP-TSW will continue to add new DJ staff, and if you're interested in applying, please contact Vallikat ( We can now proudly say, however, that we have live DJ's scheduled every day of the week!
Also, be on the lookout for some big events coming up this fall! October 6th will feature a large multi-cabal event entitled "The Revolution" on the Huldra dimension. There are some amazing prizes that will be handed out during this community celebration, so don't miss out! Of course, you can also expect GSP to be heavily involved in celebrating Halloween in The Secret World!
If you'd like to inquire about having GSP host an event, please contact Mawerick ( And, if you're interested in having a promo created that airs on GSP, please get in touch with Innari ( Requests for these services will be automated in our future website update, but we're willing and able to help you out now.
We'd like to thank our core group of awesome listeners for supporting us since launch. The station is still in very much in its infancy stage, but we'll be driving and looking for a prom date before you know it.
DJ Ashval
Director, GSP-TSW
1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m
No data available.
Top played artists this monthNo data available.